The Government of Tamil Nadu entrusted Anna University to conduct Tamil Nadu Engineering Admissions in a transparent way. Anna University designed, developed, and adopted TNEA Single Window Counselling process to ensure that engineering aspirants get admission into engineering colleges of Tamil Nadu transparently.
Quick Links
- Application Issue & Submission
- Application Scrutiny
- Random Number and Rank Publication
- Counselling Call Letter
- Single Window Counselling
Application Issue & Submission
TNEA process starts with the issuing of the applications forms. Anna University issues TNEA applications usually around the second week of May but it may differ based upon the publication of the 10+2 results every year. The date of issue of application forms will be publicized in all leading dailies and other media ( would be an authentic source of information). All the engineering aspirants who wish for an engineering seat need to obtain this application form from their nearest application issuing venue and submit it duly filled. The application form includes a coding sheet, application form, instruction booklet and list of all engineering colleges booklet.
The number in the coding sheet is the candidate’s application number and any reference to a candidate’s application can be made only with the application number. The candidate can collect the application form from many avenues across major cities that would be published in the leading dailies duly informed through the media.
Application Scrutiny
Application scrutiny is an internal process that starts after the application submission. The coding sheets filled by the candidate will be scanned by special machines and the data will be fed to the computer for further processing. Therefore, it is highly essential that the coding sheet provided to the candidate is filled up meticulously. The data in the coding sheet is final in case there is a contradiction between the data provided in the printed application form and coding sheet.The scanned data from the coding sheet is then verified with the application data along with supporting documents attached. Any data requiring supporting documents not enclosed will be nullified. So the candidate needs to be very careful in ensuring that all the necessary documents are enclosed.
Random Number and Rank Publication
The candidate satisfying all the rules put forth now and then by Government of Tamil Nadu will be described in TNEA booklet. The candidate should satisfy all the minimum eligibility criteria like minimum eligibility mark as per the Government of Tamil Nadu described in the TNEA booklet. One of the main eligibility criteria is the minimum eligibility mark and it is the sum of marks obtained in Physics, Chemistry and Maths divided by sum of maximum marks in Physics, Chemistry and Maths.
Aggregate mark or cut-off mark is the sum of Physics mark obtained scaled to 50, Chemistry mark obtained scaled to 50 and Maths mark obtained scaled to 100. Thus the maximum aggregate or cut-off mark is 200. All the marks obtained from different board of studies will be normalized as described in the TNEA instruction booklet.The candidates are ranked based on the aggregate mark or cut-off mark. The ranked candidates will be grouped into counselling sessions ordered by rank and in turn each counselling session will be ordered rank wise. Eventually many candidates will have same aggregate mark leading to tie, which should be broken to ensure unique ranking. The following rules mentioned below is used to break the tie:
- If two candidates have the same aggregate marks, the candidate with higher Maths mark will be ranked above
- If the Maths Mark is same, then a higher Physics mark would break the tie
- If the Maths and Physics mark are same, then the Chemistry mark would be eventually same. The fourth optional subject mark would break the tie.
- If the fourth optional subject marks are also same then the candidate’s date of birth will be considered. Elder candidate gets the benefit of being ranked above.
- If the date of birth is also same, then a 10-digit random number assigned to each candidate decides the ranking. A candidate with the highest random number will be ranked above the other.
A random number is a number generated by a process, whose outcome is unpredictable, and which cannot be subsequently reliably reproduced. Before ranking, after the application scrutiny, a random number will be assigned to every candidate. In order to make this random number assignment transparent, it will be assigned in public amidst the media and will subsequently be published in the TNEA website. Along with the random number, the raw data captured from the coding sheet and verified during scrutiny will be published. After random number assignment, the rank list will be prepared and published in the website. Usually, re-evaluation marks will be released after the publication of TNEA rank list. In which case, the candidate’s marks if revised, their marks and rank will be updated on production of authenticated supporting documents. In which case, the candidate can attend the counselling by his/her revised rank and revised date of counselling calculated by the candidate itself subject to scrutiny and approval of TNEA administrators.
Counselling Call Letter
The candidates will be ranked and called for counselling based on the rank as described above. A call letter containing the date of counselling for the particular candidate for allotment of seats will be sent to the communication address. The counselling date will also be published on the TNEA website during publication of rank. The candidates may also find their counselling dates published in the leading dailies and in TNEA website.
Single Window Counselling
At the day of counselling, TNEA follows a procedure as indicated below:

- The candidate has to remit the sum towards conduction of counselling in the Bank counter and receive a bank receipt or challan after submitting their call letter. The candidates will be allowed to remit the sum well before their counselling session so as to avoid crowding at the last hour.The challan will contain the candidate’s ranking in the respective counselling session along with other information.
- The candidate accompanied with one person with the bank challan will be allowed at the allotted time. Entering the briefing hall, each candidate’s attendance will be marked for that counselling session. The candidates will then be briefed about the order in which they should arrange the certificates and procedures that will follow.
- The candidate’s certificates and supporting documents in original format will be verified. TNEA can reject a candidate if the certificates or supporting documents were not original or any discrepancies are found. The candidates upon successful verification will be allowed into the counselling hall.
- The candidates will then be called according to the session rank before the terminal for counselling. The candidates can now choose a seat from the available seats. They can make three choices. Based upon the session rank, choices will be confirmed. The candidates are encouraged to have at least a list of 5-10 choices either college wise or branch of study wise. The choice may be made by visiting the particular college and getting feedback from the faculty and students of the respective preferred college. Moreover, those choices may become unavailable on the respective candidate's counselling day due to some other higher ranked candidate opting for it. Therefore, the candidate has to keep track of the availability, posted on the TNEA website after every counselling session. Even on the day of counselling, the choices of a particular candidate may not be available, in which case, the candidate may track and re-prioritise his choices by monitoring the LIVE displays at the TNEA venue.
- After the seat is allotted, the respective candidate alone can collect the allotment order from the Allotment Order section. The candidates should verify that the course and college printed in the respective allotment order is the same as that of his choice.
- The candidate has to take this allotment order to the respective college and enrol for admission before the last date mentioned in the allotment order.
The application can be obtained sufficiently before time so that the candidate can prepare all the necessary supporting documents in the proper format as required. Except marks all other data can be filled even before the publishing of marks.